Crossed the Magical figure of 1 Lac Visitors.

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Dear Students,

When I took the charge of TPO on my student request, I never imagined that my blog will cross figure of 100000 visitors.

I started my blog in July 2008 , within the span of 2 years you people have created history. Today my blog is the most visited blog and popular among the students from all over India. Students , TPO's from various colleges (Hyderabad, Ludhiana, Kurukshetra, Amritsar, Chennai, Mangalore, Bangalore) consistently communicating with me. Through this blog I tried to solve the problem of each and every student specially wanted  to mention about the Patni Computers, I got several comments on Patni Joining, I mailed all the details to the Patni Mumbai HR and requested her to look in to the matter and also visited and narrated the whole story of panicked students (Out of Mumbai University) Patni HR was very cooperative , shecarefully listened all story and assured me to look in to the matter .

Daily I am spending 4-5 hours on internet to reply mails / comments on blog and to update blog. Though I am not getting any monetary benefit out of that but today I am more satisfied and happy that I am giving something to the nation / society.

Sincere gratitude to all students & well wishers for your continuous support, guidance and encouragement. And I'm sure, this support will continue over the coming years.

Warm Regards


Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
MGM's College of Engineering and Technology
[NBA Accredited & ISO 9001:2000 Certified Institution]
Kamothe, Navi Mumbai – 410 209
Tel       :  +91-22-27427846
Blog    :
Website       :
 - --  
 - MICROSOFT Awarded - "Microsoft IT Academy " 
 - ELITECORE TECHNOLOGIES Awarded - "Cyberoam   iVIEW Development Center "
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.


Nirav said...

congrats sir..!!!!

Mahesh said...

Congrats Sir...

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