Scholarships for the students of institutions participating in TechSangam
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Sunday, December 21, 2008 | 0 commentsScholarships for the students of institutions participating in TechSangam
Dear Sir/ Madam,
C-DAC is pleased to announce scholarships for the students of institutions
participating in TechSangam. The selected students shall get 90% fee
waiver for taking admission to the courses offered by C-DAC, ACTS.
Interested students may apply for scholarship through our website
C-DAC shall conduct the campus CET at the institutions premises if the
number of application forms from an institution exceeds 50.
The eligibility, CET and last date of application to IT programmes is
listed in table below:
Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Computing (DAC)
Eligibility: Engineering graduates, MCA, MCS (after B.Sc.), BCA, BCS
CET - Jan 03 – 05, 2009
Last Date of Application Dec 30, 2008
Post Graduate Diploma in Geoinformatics (DGi)
Eligibility: Engineering graduates or Science post graduates, graduates
with 2 years relevant experienceCET – Dec 27, 2008
Last Date of Application Dec 23, 2008
Post Graduate Diploma in Very Large Scale Integration (DVLSI)
Eligibility: Engineering graduates or Science post graduates in
Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Science
CET – Dec 27, 2008
Last Date of Application Dec 23, 2008
Post Graduate Diploma in Advance Computer Arts (Multimedia) (DACA)
Eligibility: Graduates from stream of arts, advertising, commercial
artist, painting, textile, fashion designing, interior decoration
CET – Dec 27, 2008
Last Date of Application Dec 23, 2008
Post Graduate Diploma in Wireless and Mobile Computing (WiMC)Eligibility:
Engineering graduates or Science post graduates in Electronics,
Telecommunication, Instrumentation and Computer Science
CET - Jan 03 – 05, 2009
Last Date of Application Dec 30, 2008
Post Graduate Diploma in Language Computing (DLC) Eligibility: B.E.
B.Tech., M.Tech., M.C.A., M.Sc.(Computer Science/IT) post graduates in
Linguistics / Applied Linguistics / Language / Literature
CET– Dec 27, 2008
Last Date of Application Dec 23, 2008
We request the institution to kindly pass on this message to the passed
out students, who would like to take up advanced training programmes in IT
through C-DAC.
For any further information students can call Mr. Prakash/Mr. Nichal on
numbers 25503106/107.
With warm regards,
Aditya K Sinha
Team Coordinator,
C-DAC, ACTS, Head Quarters,
5th floor, NSG IT Park,
Aundh,Pune 411 007
Maharashtra (India)
Cell: +91-9970946032
Phone (EPABX) : +91-20-25503100/01/02/03
Ext.: 144, 138 (With Active Voice Mail)
Direct : +91-20-25503144/138
Fax : +91-20-2550 3131
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
TPG Consulting Offer Letter
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, December 11, 2008 | 0 commentsTPG Consulting Offer Letter
Following students are selected for TPG Consulting with a pay package of Rs. 3.0 Lac PA
1) Arvind Seshadri
2) Neha Singh
Please collect your offer letter from my office.
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, December 11, 2008 | 0 commentsSource:forwarded Email Fwd: Tribute, plz dont break the chain

Dear Friends,
I hope this letter to Prime Minister will reach in his hand & he will become real SARDAR. He just have to take FOUR steps :
1. Hang Afzal Guru TOMORROW.
2. remove all security to Ministers, involve those guards in National security. (you know why young blood is not ready to join Army !!!)
2. Start Missile & Bomb attack on POK terroriest camp & distroy that area.don't ask Pakistan or America,even don't declare. just start. Please don't send our Army, as they are very valuable blood for us for internal security, not to waste.
3. Hang Azmal Kasav to death in public & all channel sholud cover it LIVE.
Dear Friends, do you think Mr.Prime Minister can do this , I doubt bcoz they only use Indira Gandhi & Rajiv Gandhi banners to get votes & NOTES but in today's Congress Party non of the leader & great chair person Soniamadam have that GUTS to take bold steps against terrorisam.accordin g to them they have replace C.M & Home Minister are warsteps & she is planning how to control Mr.Rane, to save the party. why we should wait till America do something ? what America have got to do in our matter ? India is self efficient to fight it out & capable to take our own decisions.
from, A INDIAN
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by
Dr. P.S. Lokhande
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Dear All
1. Do not worry about those who have come thru boats... Our forces can easily defeat them. WORRY about those who have come thru votes.... Those are our REAL ENEMIES.
2. What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG Force was transported into ordinary BEST buses, whereas our cricketers are transported into state of the art luxury buses, these Jawans lay down their lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they lose a match, we worship these cricketers and forget the martyrdom of these brave Jawans.The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the cricketers and the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.
3. Our NSG, BSF, ARMY, do not have a dedicated AIRCRAFT to perform rapid operations, while every tom dick n harry Minister is travelling through his Personalized Helicopter.. ..!!!
4. Our Navy has total 25 Heavy artillery loaded ships, while a country named Korea which is smaller than Chattisgarh has 250 Heavy artillery loaded ships for the security of there coasts.
5. An ace shooter shoots and gets gold medal, govt gives 1cr , another shooter dies while shooting terrorist, govt gives 5 lakh.
WHO DESERVES MORE Our Commando's or Cricketers? Huh.. This is our India ....
Please be a patriot and forward this to everyone u know. Let Mumbai come to its PACE once again with the spirit of MUMBAIKAR, but we people will never forget to send a mail daily to all the assosciates of ours. we wil not let this end here....!!!! !! we will keep the fire of revenge inside and will show at regular intervals... .Plz dont feel shy to forward this mail...... JAI HIND!!!!!!
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Dear All
1. Do not worry about those who have come thru boats... Our forces can easily defeat them. WORRY about those who have come thru votes.... Those are our REAL ENEMIES.
2. What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG Force was transported into ordinary BEST buses, whereas our cricketers are transported into state of the art luxury buses, these Jawans lay down their lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they lose a match, we worship these cricketers and forget the martyrdom of these brave Jawans.The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the cricketers and the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.
3. Our NSG, BSF, ARMY, do not have a dedicated AIRCRAFT to perform rapid operations, while every tom dick n harry Minister is travelling through his Personalized Helicopter.. ..!!!
4. Our Navy has total 25 Heavy artillery loaded ships, while a country named Korea which is smaller than Chattisgarh has 250 Heavy artillery loaded ships for the security of there coasts.
5. An ace shooter shoots and gets gold medal, govt gives 1cr , another shooter dies while shooting terrorist, govt gives 5 lakh.
WHO DESERVES MORE Our Commando's or Cricketers? Huh.. This is our India ....
Please be a patriot and forward this to everyone u know. Let Mumbai come to its PACE once again with the spirit of MUMBAIKAR, but we people will never forget to send a mail daily to all the assosciates of ours. we wil not let this end here....!!!! !! we will keep the fire of revenge inside and will show at regular intervals... .Plz dont feel shy to forward this mail...... JAI HIND!!!!!!
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Our security and leadership
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Sunday, November 30, 2008 | 0 commentsThe political leadership of India has converted this country of billions of men with heart, soul, character and courage into a lifeless, marooned, hapless state.
I do not have political wisdom, but I have a sense that for years the leadership has compromised with the country's security for its own security and safety. Political leadership is not about taking the high mantle and leading a state sponsored lifestyle of comfort and security. It is a career chosen by those who ought to serve their people. Gandhi would have been at the site of the masscare bare chested and naked. Whilst Advani, whose heart supposedly burns against terror, flew with Manmohan to doubly safeguard his own security under the cover of the Prime Minister's fullest cover.
The brave commandos, police and the armed forces laid their lives to save the innocent and corner the culprit. Yet a time will come, and come soon, when there will be no further story on this. The Masterminds of the terror attack would call one of those in power like Shivraj Patil or Vilasrao Deshmukh, threat their lives lest they wrap up the investigation process and release those arrested. These mice would succumb. The media would get back to making fairytales out of news that has the least social or public significance. The leadership of big nations who have profound statements to make would go back to their own secure lives. The statements of 'together we must work to counter these criminal agenda' would be slept over with personal missions. Over time public passion would be silenced by their need to earn their daily bread.
Another terror would occur. more terrorists would become more courageous..but a strong chance is that the militant groups would get a stronger hold on the political leadership and some day actually take over completely. Do we want to die cowards and helpless, or are there genuine out-of-the-box solutions that would give us a civilsed life of honour, dignity, grace and pride?
Just a few simple questions:
1. Yes, terrorists are trained in a way that normal military or police plans can be countered. So it may have been difficult to track their entry. However, if it was known that such thing is likely to happen, why did the Government not brief and train major hotel authorities, railway stations and train the people so that they have sense of identifying abnormal behaviour. Create exit plans in the hotels to move out people rapidly should such a strike occurs. Keep NSG troups ready in Mumbai and prepared. Use extraordinary telecommunication devices ready. I mean, where was the preparedness to counter?
2. Media that is so powerful, yet is either shy of asking tough questions, or converts a Q&A into a 'barking session'. We cannot have reporters coyly ask politicians (who are any way public servants accountable to give satisfying answers), "Sir, could you give us a sense of what's happening". The question to be asked is blank and naked, "Even the guy on the street knew that such an attack was in the offing, can you elaborate on what plans were made to counter, kindly do not give words, we want to listen to quotes from the documents drawn out".
There would Mayawatis, Yadavs, nitish kumar and amar singh who would claim their souls burn for their people, but will be found snugged into the warmth of God knows what when the time comes to show that they have a heart for their people.
The purpose of my note is not to write a prose or a story but a humble view that we think hard and search deep for solutions that can save us and help us come out of the clutches of people corrupt in mind, heart and character. Can we make citizen group, at micro and macro level to formally and periodically take a report from the leaders on what they are doing and what they ought to have done.
Let us not say 'Oh, these things don't work' for if that was so the world would have stayed back in the dark ages. There has to be a solution that we, the private citizens, can make work. We fight business and personal challenges, this is no different.
Let us get together to act or die as corrupt politicians!
sourcePrabhat Sinha
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Companies at our doorstep
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, November 21, 2008 | 0 commentsCompany number-1(Merce Technologies Pvt. Ltd)
We would like to introduce ourself as Merce Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
formerly know as Starcom Software Pvt. Ltd.,
Attach File for Company Profile.
We have openings for really competent and driven System and Network Administrators who will work in the installation and commissioning of our system integration and LAN/WAN projects, and also provide complex and demanding technical support for existing clients. These professionals grow to become experts in the area of Linux, Windows and other server management, network security, and management and monitoring of large multi-server networks. They also get good exposure to new areas like virtualisation, VMWare-based servers, replication, off-site backups, clusters, high availability solutions, etc.
Our mandatory requirements for this position are:
1. A graduate degree from any recognized college or institute, or a 3-year technical diploma
2. Fluency in spoken and written English --- you should be able to write emails correctly and explain the solutions of problems to clients
3. At least one year work experience providing tech support to end-users for their PCs and servers
4. Some familiarity with Linux server installation and configuration, in any of the popular Linux flavours, e.g.Red Hat, SuSE, Novell, etc.
5. Experience working at client site and handling clients
6. Ability and experience for travelling outside Mumbai for outstation assignments
Additional desirable attributes:
* CCNA or CNE certification
* Red Hat Certified Engineer certificate
* Experience on modern Windows servers including Win2k3, Active Directory setup, roaming profiles, networking setup
Number of Candidates required : We are looking for total of 7-10 candidates immediately.
After that we recruit 2 candidates per month.
Criteria ( Grad/undergrad ) : Graduates
Designation : System Administrators (SA)
Name of Client / Company : NSDL,Supreme Treves, Jesons Industries, RMC Readymix,
Kores, NFL, Modi Group and many more.
CTC / Salary offered : Depending on the candidates profile. Ranging from 1.5L to 3.5L per annum.
Interview details : We have 2 round of interview 1. Technical Test and 2. Technical Interview,
if a candidate clears the 1st round he/she can appear for the 2nd round.
Contact Person : 1. Ms. Jenny Johnson
2. Ms. Prajakta Powar
Venue : Merce Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
613, Vindhya Commercial Complex,
Plot No.1 Sector 11,
CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai - 400614
Contact Nos. : 022 32982705/06, 27560780.
If you have any query's please feel free contact us.
Awaiting for your reply.
Details of opening
System Software Engineers (SSE)
We are looking for System Software Engineers for implementation roles, with zero or more years of industry experience. These engineers will be assigned challenging software development roles in our Product Group, and will work on system software, network daemons, multi-server synchronisation processes, email traffic filtering systems, access control and security systems, advanced AJAX-based GUI, etc. All work for now will be on Linux and Unix platforms. The primary server-side programming languages used will be Perl, C and shellscript. The Product Group does the most interesting software development in our company.
Mandatory requirements are:
1. A B.Sc. degree in Physics or Mathematics, or an engineering or MCA degree from a recognized university or institute
2. Excellent, not merely good, knowledge of C
Additional desirable attributes:
· A degree in Computer Science and Engineering (BE/B.Tech./MCA)
· A PGDST/APGDST diploma from CDAC (NCST),
· Excellent command over written and spoken English with a taste in literature and an ability to teach, make a presentation, and lecture
· In-depth knowledge of Unix, including system calls and kernel internals
· HTML, Perl and Javascript experience
· RDBMS and SQL programming experience, with an emphasis on advanced SQL and Oracle and IBM UDB database administration and performance tuning
· Knowledge of TCP/IP, Unix, system calls, security issues, and network services
· Work experience
Some of you with more than a year of experience and depth of technical knowledge may be accepted directly as Senior Software Engineers or may be promoted to this position in less than a year. Exceptionally knowledgeable and competent engineers with a pure hands-on emphasis, of the Wizard and Guru levels, are also welcome. We have a non-managerial, purely technical career growth path for such engineers.
Our recruitment process for engineers involves a programming test followed by an interview. More details about our programming tests are given below.
For System Software Engineers, the gross remuneration package will depend on your ability to learn, attitude, technical competence, and depth of knowledge. The total compensation package can reach Rs.500,000 per annum for outstanding candidates. Renumeration for experienced individuals in Senior Software Engineer positions can be higher.
Application Engineers (AE)
We are looking for Java programmers for implementation roles, with zero or more years of industry experience. These programmers will work in business application development, on projects which our Software Services Division executes.
Mandatory requirements are:
1. A B.Sc. degree in Physics or Mathematics, or an engineering or MCA degree from a recognized university or institute
2. Excellent, not merely good, knowledge of Java
Additional desirable attributes:
· A degree in Computer Science and Engineering (BE/B.Tech./MCA)
· A PGDST/APGDST diploma from CDAC (NCST),
· Excellent knowledge of C
· Excellent command over written and spoken English with a taste in literature and an ability to teach, make a presentation, and lecture
· In-depth knowledge of Unix, including system calls and kernel internals
· HTML, Perl 5 and Javascript experience
· RDBMS and SQL programming experience, with an emphasis on advanced SQL and Oracle and IBM UDB database administration and performance tuning
· Work experience
Some of you with more than a year of experience and depth of technical knowledge may be accepted directly as Senior Application Engineers or may be promoted to this position in less than a year. Exceptionally knowledgeable and competent engineers with a pure hands-on emphasis, of the Wizard and Guru levels, are also welcome. We have a non-managerial, purely technical career growth path for such engineers.
Our recruitment process for engineers involves a programming test followed by an interview. More details about our programming tests are given below.
For Application Engineers, the gross remuneration package will depend on your ability to learn, attitude, technical competence, and depth of knowledge. The total compensation package can reach up to Rs.600,000 per annum for outstanding candidates.
Senior Application Engineers
We are looking for Java professionals with mature technical knowledge and team leadership abilities. We expect depth of technical expertise coupled with strong leadership and mentoring traits. We believe good leaders are born, not made, and leadership is more a function of personality than of technical knowledge. We are interested in engineers who aspire to management career profiles, and have two years or more experience in the software and IT services industry.
Desirable attributes in an SAE:
· Hands-on project experience in software development in Java
· In-depth technical knowledge of server-side Java programming
· Experience working at client site
· Excellent communication and presentation skills
· Work experience --- 2+ years in Web application development using servlets and JDBC
If you fit this profile, then we are interested in talking to you. We expect all SAE with three years or less experience to take our test as part of our recruitment process.
In our structure, a SAE is junior to a Group Leader (GL) or Project Manager (PM). An SAE is expected to undertake hands-on development responsibilities as well as guide his or her junior colleagues towards delivery of their project, while a GL or PM has additional responsibilities of client interaction, client reporting, scope and specifications management, and other issues.
For SAE, the gross remuneration package will depend on your ability to learn, attitude, technical competence, and depth of knowledge. The total compensation package can reach up to Rs.900,000 per annum for outstanding candidates.
Company No=2 Capita India(UK based company)
Prof. Lokhande Hi,
First and foremost I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for a positive response received for the current openings we have; Further to our conversation can you please make sure to send me the short listed candidates as per the criteria’s discussed and attached.
I have attached a job description which would further explain to you about what the applicants can expect out of this role; also attached is a brief on the Capita UK along with a overview of Mission Testing as a process.
Also to reiterate we are looking at students who have already passed out in 2007/08 Please feel free to come back to me if you should have any queries
Warm Regards,
Adin Mendonca
Human Resources Team
Capita India
Other details
Job Description
Job Title: Junior Test Engineer
Core Requirement
Verbal Communication Communicate with other Mission staff and with clients clearly and precisely. Participate in a professional manner in client meetings and interviews. Ensure you invest in appropriate preparation.Research your technical problems thoroughly to enable resolution. Ask questions where necessary to ensure problems are resolved accurately and in a timely manner. Communicate at all times – good and bad news.Where ever possible raise issues with solutions.
Written Communication Produce (according to Mission standards) clear, concise documents as required for clients under the control, guidance and QA of other Mission consultants.Ensure written work is reviewed according to company standards prior to publication.
Quality Focus Demonstrate and strive for excellence in your chosen field.Ensure the highest quality of delivery within your Practice.
Personal Appearance Project a professional image in all working situations at all times. Dress code should be smart business attire, unless otherwise agreed by the Practice Manager. Work situations include all client sites and Mission offices as well as venues for training courses.
Personal Administration Ensure your timesheets and expenses are completed correctly and on time. Ensure that holiday and illness documentation are completed inline with company standards. Ensure your weekly reporting is completed on time especially when on charge to clients.
Recruitment Market Mission within your personal network as employer of choice in our field. Actively seek to identify, attract and recruit the best practitioners in our field.
Business Development Demonstrate a good understanding of Mission’s service offerings.Develop an appreciation of the sales and account management processes.Provide pre-sales support to the sales team as requested.Provide input (via Line and/or Practice Manager) to Business Development Management on potential sales opportunities.
Career Development Collaborate with practice management and your fellow practice members to ensure the smooth running of the practice and its continual development.Participate constructively in the appraisal process, and complete appraisal forms to the timescales requested by Line Manager.Agree personal development goals with Line Manager and make every effort to meet these goals. In collaboration with your line manager ensure your training plans are agreed and implemented.
Punctuality Be punctual at all times for work assignments and meetings whether in the office or on client sites.
Flexibility Demonstrate a flexible approach to the type of work undertaken and the location of that work. Demonstrate a flexible approach to hours worked to meet client needs.
Tidy Work Areas Maintain a clean and tidy work area whether working on site or in the office. This includes tidy desks and shelves, responsibility to clean and tidy own coffee and tea facilities, responsibility to clean up rooms and refreshments after meetings and to share in keeping the rest of the offices clean and tidy.
Commitment to values Be mindful of the core values of the Capita Group.Support your peers and other consultants at all times.Discourage a blame culture.Actively feedback on issues.Use line management appropriately.Contribute to a positive working environment.
Desirable Attributes for All Consultants
· Self motivated
· Enthusiastic and energetic
· Proactive
· Innovative
· Flexible
· Pragmatic
· Show leadership qualities
· Team Player
· Effective and efficient
· Conscientious and diligent
· Sense of humour
1.2 Core Requirements for Junior Consultants (JC)
A Junior Consultant is an entry level role typically orientated towards recently qualified technology and scientific graduates or people with appropriate work experience seeking a career change. Graduates require no commercial experience prior to joining Mission, but this would clearly be an advantage. It is anticipated that it will take approximately 1 year to gain the necessary experience to progress from Junior Consultant to Consultant Level 1.
Skill Area Requirement
Technical Develop and learn new skills, methods and procedures as agreed with line manager.Undertake (under close supervision) a technical role in one of the company’s service offerings.To gain recognition in the company as knowledgeable within your practice area, whilst developing skills in other technical areas.
Time Management Report own time and progress in an accurate and timely manner to designated project or line manager.Plan and manage your time effectively. Refer scheduling issues/concerns to your line manager in a timely manner.
Service Delivery Understand and comply with oral and written instructions.Prepare agreed deliverables, under closed supervision and coaching of more experienced consultants.Take responsibility for achieving agreed deliverables.Communicate effectively progress issues to project/service delivery manager.
BE (All Branches)
CV short list criteria:
Academic scores:
10th (SSC) = a minimum of 70%
12th (HSC) = a minimum of 60%
Graduation/Post Graduation = a minimum of 55%
Shifts: 10:00 am to 7:00 pm or 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Job Location:
Tower 1 & 2, 5th Floor, Logitech Park, Saki Naka, Andheri (E) Mumbai
Interview Schedule:
CV’s to reach Capita by 24th November (
Aptitude Tests & Personal Interviews: 28th November & 1st December 08
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Flood in PVPP-Help me to decide the placement schedule
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, November 21, 2008 | 4 commentsFlood in PVPP-Help me to decide the placement schedule
Dear Students we have huge enquiries from various companies that I have posted below. I know that you all are bussy in prepration for u r exam in Dec-2008, If I say yes to them they will be ready to conduct the placement in next week, but I don't want to disturb you; other side there is not a single company in other college campus and recession is ahead, other big companies firing their employees.
Now you give me your openion what to do? I will try to postpone the recruitment schedule, meanwhile I want to hear from you porople. Believe me these companies are the result of my heard effort that I took to bring them at our doorsteps.
Also please collect your userID and password for the placement portal. click on placement portal> click on stuents> login using u r userid and pwd.
Best regards
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by
Dr. P.S. Lokhande
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Placement for 2008 Batch all branches
pl go through details and contact Manish Shrivastava/Shalmali Patil
Pradhan Bldg.
Ground Floor
Thane(W),400 602
job description:
The Training and Placement Officer
Vasant Dada Patil College
Respected Sir,
Warm Greetings from Kware-Hardware and Networking
Training Academy (ISO 9001-2000 Certified).
The company caters to the need of Predominat Sector in IT i.e Networking.We
look to fulfill the dreams of millions IT aspirants.We Nurture an train
young talent,
Groom them to be an ideal IT professional
It's an attempt to meet the growing demand of skilled manpower required by
So for the first time ever KWARE Launching the MIND LABS - *Recuitment
*As per our telecon please find the attched document detailing the campaign.
Looking forward for positive response at the earliest
Kindly revert in case of any clarification regarding the same
Manish Shrivastava/Shalmali Patil
Pradhan Bldg.
Ground Floor
Thane(W),400 602
Job Profile: Trainee NOC Engineer-L1/NOC Engineer-L1/NOC Engineer-L2/Server Engineer/Sr.Server Engineer
Branches Eligible:Computer/IT/EXTC (any other who are interested in Networking Career)
% Criteria: PassOut
Salary Offered : Freshers Rs.6000 - Rs.8000/- P.M.
Technical Interview,HR Interview
No of openings: 50
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Placement for 2008 Batch all branches
pl go through details and contact Manish Shrivastava/Shalmali Patil
Pradhan Bldg.
Ground Floor
Thane(W),400 602
job description:
The Training and Placement Officer
Vasant Dada Patil College
Respected Sir,
Warm Greetings from Kware-Hardware and Networking
Training Academy (ISO 9001-2000 Certified).
The company caters to the need of Predominat Sector in IT i.e Networking.We
look to fulfill the dreams of millions IT aspirants.We Nurture an train
young talent,
Groom them to be an ideal IT professional
It's an attempt to meet the growing demand of skilled manpower required by
So for the first time ever KWARE Launching the MIND LABS - *Recuitment
*As per our telecon please find the attched document detailing the campaign.
Looking forward for positive response at the earliest
Kindly revert in case of any clarification regarding the same
Manish Shrivastava/Shalmali Patil
Pradhan Bldg.
Ground Floor
Thane(W),400 602
Job Profile: Trainee NOC Engineer-L1/NOC Engineer-L1/NOC Engineer-L2/Server Engineer/Sr.Server Engineer
Branches Eligible:Computer/IT/EXTC (any other who are interested in Networking Career)
% Criteria: PassOut
Salary Offered : Freshers Rs.6000 - Rs.8000/- P.M.
Technical Interview,HR Interview
No of openings: 50
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
2008 Batch Reliance GET Placement Schedule
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, November 13, 2008 | 0 comments2008 Batch Reliance GET Placement Schedule
Date: 14/11/2008
Time 9:00AM Sharp (Must Reach)
Contact Person: Pallavi Amin
Venue: Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Thane Belapur Rd, Opp Kopar Khairane Rly Station, Koparkhairane, navi mumbai
Buses from chembur: 501, 521
Buses from thane stn: 1,(All buses going towards vashi)
Buse from mulund (E) Stn: 100, 512, 7
Buse from Goregaon: 523
Local thane to Koparkhairane
Vashi to kopar Khairane
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Schedule for 14th Nov
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, November 12, 2008 | 0 commentsSchedule for 14th Nov
Placement Schedule for TPG Consulting Pvt Ltd
Date: 14th Nov 2008
Time 10AM
Venue Seminar Hall
Salary: 3.0 Lac PA+
Prof P S Lokhande
11: AM Presentation by mumbai police on the terrorist activities.
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
2008 batch Electronics and Telecomm Reliance Communication Grad Engg Trainee
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, November 12, 2008 | 0 comments2008 batch Electronics and Telecomm Reliance Communication Grad Engg Trainee
all ET 2008 batch students are required to send their resume for Raliance Comm GET post, interviews will be on 14th Nov 2008.Hurry u have to send u r resume before 14th Nov
Criteria: 60%
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Best Luck for U R Orals
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, November 07, 2008 | 0 commentsBest Luck for U R Orals
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
TPG Consulting Pvt Ltd
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, November 05, 2008 | 3 comments
Placement Schedule for TPG Consulting Pvt Ltd
Date: 14th Nov 2008
Time 10:00 AM
Venue Seminar Hall
Package: 3.0 Lac PA+
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Tuesday, November 04, 2008 | 0 commentsDear Prof Lokhande,
Hope you are doing well.
I spoke to you regarding TPG Consulting Pvt Ltd last week.
We are a Supply Chain Consulting Firm. We have been in incorporation for the last 2+ years. We would like to hire fresh graduates for the post of an Analyst from your college.
I am sending you the description about our company. Please circulate this amongst your students and let me know the number of candidates who are interested.
If you send me a list of interested candidates, then we would come on campus and conduct a test to shortlist the candidates. Once that is done, we could interview a smaller group.
I will also follow this up with a powerpoint presentation (that is large in size).
All streams in your college may apply.
Description of Analyst Position Offered by TPGC
What does TPGC do?
TPG Consulting Pvt. Ltd is a supply chain consulting firm located in Mumbai. TPGC is the brainchild of the partners from The Progress Group, LLC - a similar logistics consulting firm in Atlanta that has been serving clients in the United States since 1992.
Together these two firms design and improve modern warehouses for some of the largest retail companies in the world including Nike, GAP, Reliance Fresh, Reebok, etc. We are not architects instead we are software, engineering and financial people who decide how the inside of a warehouse should work. Modern warehouses are huge complex operations much like large manufacturing plants. They employ hundreds of people, use computers to control what everyone does every minute, occasionally use robotics to do the work, and someone needs to help define all of this. This is what TPG does.
What does an analyst do in TPGC?
The analyst’s role at TPGC is to support the consultant’s work related to improving the various aspects of a client’s warehouse or designing a new warehouse. As an analyst, you are expected to clean up and then analyze various forms of warehouse operations or design information. Your work mainly centres around Visual Basic, MS Excel and MS Access. Additionally, an analyst will perform time studies of existing operations to understand how much labor is associated with a process and how the process might be improved. Finally, some problems that the analyst is asked to investigate involve programming in Visual Basic, so certain analysts are asked to program occasionally.
What does an analyst learn at TPGC?
TPGC makes a large investment in all of its new employees. You will receive training and be tested afterwards on Excel, Access, warehouse concepts, warehouse operations, and the internal, proprietary tools that we use to design warehouses. The typical basic training program lasts for 5 weeks. Additionally, you will be paired with an experienced consultant to study Visual Basic and to work on our internal software for several weeks afterwards. In the past, some analysts have also been chosen to learn CAD software or to visit the United States for a short period of time in actual large scale warehouses in order to better understand how they operate, as a part of their training.
What is TPGC’s work culture like?
TPGC believes a student should be looking at the culture of a selected company as much as the salary it is offering - as getting paid lots of money to work in 2000 degrees is not necessarily a good deal. We believe our culture is unique in India and not for everybody. At our core, TPGC owners and employees truly believe that Work Should Not Interfere With Life and Our Survival Is Based on Being Friends and not just Associates.
We put these two guiding principals into practice as:
1. We attempt to have a good time at work
2. We don’t believe in formal hierarchy for hierarchy’s sake. The leaders are the leaders because they have earned the group’s acknowledgement -not because they were “crowned” by someone.
3. We treat others (especially juniors) with respect -but we are informal too
4. We admit when we don’t know something
5. We applaud good ideas better than our own
6. We deliver both bad news as well as good news without fear
7. We work 5 days a week generally and try to leave early if the work is thin, but sometimes we work weekends when client deadlines are pressing close.
8. At the end of the year you should feel you have worked on average 40 hours a week and not much more. Again, we want people to have families and a life.
What are the criteria that we are looking for in an analyst at TPGC?
First of all, TPGC is looking for a student that is a good cultural fit. Second, we seek engineering students who possess sensitivity to detail and some knowledge of MS Excel and MS Access. While programming experience is advantageous, it is not an essential criterion. Your ability to think analytically is very important of course, but even more important is the ability to communicate your analysis verbally.
What is the Career path for an Analyst?
Analysts tend to follow one of two career paths. If they are more inclined more towards programming and the support of our internal tools they can become Programmer/Analysts and ultimately Software Project Managers as their experience grows. If they are more inclined to lead the consulting business they can become Consultants and then Senior Consultants being responsible for supervising and training staff in the office as well as interacting directly with Indian and US clients on design and improvement projects.
What’s in it for an analyst?
A starting CTC of Rs. 3 lakhs per annum. This includes the take home salary, a bonus that you are entitled to at the end of one year of working with us and an optional bonus that is based on your individual performance and how well the business does as a whole. As you become more important to us, we want to make sure we keep you happier; it only makes sense. Furthermore, annual increases are granted to keep salaries market competitive and to reflect cost of living increases. Surprisingly, we ask our employees to suggest salary increases based on known market rates. We don’t want people to leave TPGC over pay. If they must leave, we want them to leave because they don’t like our culture or they want to pursue some other kind of career.
Who should you have to contact?
If this type of company sounds interesting, we encourage you to contact Ms. Padmini Madarapakam Pagadala ( in Mumbai, the General Manager for TPGC’s offices there.
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Happy Diwali
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, October 23, 2008 | 1 comments
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
for 2008 Batch Marine Students
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, October 23, 2008 | 0 commentsPlease collect u r CDC documents from Mr Anil Mokashi
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Bhavishya Jyoti scholarship
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | 0 commentsAll the students of first year to final year are hereby informaed that the Bhavishya Jyoti scholarship exam will be scheduled on 16th Oct 2008 at our college, to particiapate you are required to be present in your class room at 11:00.
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
clover infotech
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, October 15, 2008 | 0 commentsChange in venue for Clover infotech:placement is on 16th oct 2008 at 10:00 am
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Clover Infotech Placement Schedule
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Tuesday, October 14, 2008 | 0 commentsDear Students
We have provisionaly finalised the date for clover infotech campus placement on 16th Oct2008 at 10:00am, seminar hall. pl spread this message to all 2008 batch students(All branches)
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
for 2008 batch passout students
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Monday, October 13, 2008 | 10 commentsClover infotech
company needs 2008 pass out students as a trainee MS SQL for DBA profile, training will be provided by the company. For training period students will get a stipend between Rs. 5000 to 10000 for 6 months .
I need number of students interested for this opportunity please reply me on my blog that u r interested after getting sufficient number of students I will arrange campus placement.
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Student Feedback
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, October 11, 2008 | 2 commentsStudents Feedback SE,TE,BE- IT Branch
Dear Students I am going to take the feedback for the Professors in the IT department. As I am Heading the IT dept I have full right to take the decision in favour of students, limited to IT dept.
Dear Friends your valuable feedback in this regards is very important and essential step, to make the dept better and improve the quality of teaching.
Most of the students may think that Feedback is the "faltu hai kuch hone wala nahi hai..." but thats not the case with me, I am a committed and reasult oriented person ( you can see the result of placement and efforts towards it, though it is not my field), any one from my Dept is not giving his/her full efforts will be kicked off. For that I need your true and honest feedback.
Dear Friends your parents is paying your fees- belive me managing Rs. 60+ K per annum is not easy, to pay u r fees u r father tries to save money wherever he can- he uses torn baniyans, try to repair the shoe so that it will last for some more days. your mother shows least interest in purchasing sarees. Realise the value of heard earned money of your parents.
1) Your are free to write any thing that u observed (Against me too if I am wrong)
2) You will not be targeted as there is no need to write u r name on the feedback sheet.
3) Feedback will be viewed only by me and Principal - no other staff members.
4) Please don't give bad remarks just because any professor is strict, try to analyse his/her dedication, efforts, teaching style.
5) Also don't give good remarks only beacause any teacher is giving more internal, oral marks.
6) Your RIGHT is to get the quality education.
7) Remember the torn chapple, shoe of u r father while writing feedback.
8) I will personaly collect the feedback from u r class.
9) The Classwise (SE,TE,BE)schedule will be declared within two days.
10)I need 100% attendance on the day I am taking feedback, ("CR's please look in to this matter and convey my message to all classmates.")Also I need cell numbers of all CR's from SE to BE
Best regards
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by
Dr. P.S. Lokhande
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
FIRST TIME IN PVPP:A week long training 4placement Mon2Fri.U will b trained on GD,PI,Apti,body lang,Commun.frm 6 to 13OCT.Prof.PS Lokhande
time 4 pm to 6 pm seminar hall monday to friday and monday 13th oct.
Those who wanted to improve themselves for the placement
Those wanted to finish their skills
then this week long program is for u.
For TE and BE students all branches
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
FIRST TIME IN PVPP:A week long training 4placement Mon2Fri.U will b trained on GD,PI,Apti,body lang,Commun.frm 6 to 13OCT.Prof.PS Lokhande
time 4 pm to 6 pm seminar hall monday to friday and monday 13th oct.
Those who wanted to improve themselves for the placement
Those wanted to finish their skills
then this week long program is for u.
For TE and BE students all branches
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
link to google sms chanel click on the link to subscribe
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, October 04, 2008 | 0 comments
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, October 04, 2008 | 0 commentsProf. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, October 04, 2008 | 0 commentsProf. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, October 04, 2008 | 0 commentsProf. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
A week long training 4placement
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, October 04, 2008 | 0 commentsFIRST TIME IN PVPP:A week long training 4placement Mon2Fri.U will b trained on GD,PI,Apti,body lang,Commun.frm 6 to 13OCT.Prof.PS Lokhande
time 4 pm to 6 pm seminar hall monday to friday and monday 13th oct.
Those who wanted to improve themselves for the placement
Those wanted to finish their skills
then this week long program is for u.
For TE and BE students all branches
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
All 5 Marine Cadets are reruited for Elite Mariners
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, October 04, 2008 | 0 commentsCongrats....!
Kind attn: Prof. P.S.Lokhande
Ref telcall, we are pleased to inform you that all 5 candidates have been
selected for on-board training in our company.
Please instruct them to visit our office on Wednesday, 08th October 2008 at
1500 hrs for further instructions and starting the formalities to join a
The first step after obtaining their CDC and EXN 45 certificate from the MMD
will be to obtain the U S Visa. Will instruct them about the requirements
for obtaining U S Visa on 08th October.
Best regards,
Capt. K.V.Pradhan,
General Manager,
For Elite Mariners Pvt. Ltd,
D -404, Remi Biz Court,
Shah Industrial Estate,
Veera Desai Road,
Andheri (West),
Mumbai 400 053
Tel: +91-22- 6698 7667
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
goa iv
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, October 02, 2008 | 0 commentsProf. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
goa iv
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, October 02, 2008 | 0 commentsProf. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
goa iv
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 | 0 comments
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
Head Dept of I.T. & TPO
Hope that we make some difference to the world.
Hope that we help someone to move ahead in life.
Hope that we help someone reach their dreams.
Placement portal
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Sunday, September 28, 2008 | 1 commentsPlacement portal information followed by higher study opportunity seminar on 29th Sept 2008 at 11:00 am. All TE and BE students are expected there.
Prof. P. S. Lokhande
mail from nitin patil
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, September 26, 2008 | 0 commentsFrom: Patil, Nitin
Subject: Thanking you
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 15:09:38 +0530
Respected sir,
I am working in Capgemini since last three months and it has been great
journey from college to corporate life.
I would like to thank u a lot for this because it was u because of
whom I got my offerletter last year. You have always been inspiration
for me and
I have learnt a lot from u. I am dam sure sir that nobody in the
college was as helpful as u. Instead of having busy schedule u use to
make out time
For us whenever we had any problem. Because of u our result in
2007-08 was a record breaking one so the credit goes to u sir.
I was shocked by the incident that happened on 28th of August and it
was hard to believe that students of our college
were enjoying all this. I am still in contact with my juniors and
they always ask for my suggestions and solutions to their problems. If
it is college related
problem then I always say them to discuss this with u because during
my college days I used to do the same.
It has been a history that always a good person is targeted not a bad
person that's what have happened with u.
I still believe that 80% of the students of college has lot of
respect for u and they appreciate your hard-work u put into placements.
So the rest are
Idiots who can't see with their naked eyes. So I strongly feel that
you should continue with the placements for the betterment of the
I will be fortunate enough sir if u reply me back and provide some tips
and guidance relevant to my work at Capgemini.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Nitin Patil.
Nitin Patil | Capgemini | Mumbai
Associate Consultant
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NR Serv Offer letters for 2008 batch students
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Monday, September 22, 2008 | 0 commentsNR Serv Offer letters for 2008 batch students
available at TPO office between 9:30 to 4:30. pl do not come between 24th sept to 28th sept 2008 for collecting letters.
prof p s lokhande
Placement Portal
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, September 17, 2008 | 3 commentsOur's is the only college in Mumbai univ to have placement portal. Still we are working on the placement portal. you can have a look by visiting
Prof P S Lokhande
Marine Engineering placement 2008 batch
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, September 17, 2008 | 0 commentsElite mariners placement schedule
Marine Engineering
Elite Mariners Pvt. Ltd
All Marine Engineering 2008 batch students are required to attain recruitment process of Elite Mariners Pvt. Ltd as per the following schedule.
Ø Date of Recruitment: 25th Sept 2008
Ø Time 11:00 AM onwards
Ø Venue: Elite Mariners Pvt. Ltd,
D -404, Remi Biz Court, Shah Industrial Estate,
Veera Desai Road, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400 053
Ø Successful candidates will be interviewed on, 26th September 2008.
Ø Contact Person: Capt. K.V.Pradhan
Note : Company requirement : They need top 10 students (Performance is calculated as per final year result) in case any students among the top 10 is not interested in that case next students in line will be promoted, if this happens please let me know.
List of Eligible students is as follows
Sr. No. Students Name B. E. Marks
1 Bagul Dhananjay Devidas 1199
2 Bhosale Parag Padmakar 1192
3 Mishra Vijendra Ashok 1222
4 Modi Vinay Ramchandra 1183
5 Naresh Narayan Dikonda 1188
6 Paranjape Vaibhav Chintramani 1240
7 Shahi Prafullakumar Arunkumar 1304
8 Singhal Saurabh kumar 1171
9 Tiwari Salil Suresh 1204
10 Rastogi Hunny Pawan Manju 1209
Dt: 17/09/2008
Prof. P. S. Lokhande
Academic Attendance for placement
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Monday, September 15, 2008 | 0 commentsAll students must maintain their academic attendance at least 75% as per the rule. Students with less attendance will not be allowed to sit for the campus recruitment process. Please note that the attendance rule will be implemented strictly.
Marine Engineering Campus recruitment for 2008 batch
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, September 13, 2008 | 0 commentsCapgemini campus recruitment result
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, September 13, 2008 | 3 comments
Capgemini campus recruitment result
following students are selected by the Capgemini
1 Jekin -IT
B Praveen Kumar- Elex
Philip Thomas- Elex
Jani Mehul-IT
Pratiks Deshmukh- Comp
Aditya Thorat- Comp
Ameyakumar Mahajan- IT
Mehul Shah- Elex
Ashish Patankar- Comp
Harshita Parekh-Comp
Karan Nandwani Extc
Prof P S Lokhande
Prepration Guideline for CAPGEMINI
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, September 05, 2008 | 1 commentsPrepration Guideline for CAPGEMINI
Tentative campus recruitment methadology of CAPGEMINI it may vary college to college.
Online Test: Two sections
section A : 25 questions (Quantitative)
quite simple …most of the questions were repeated previous papers (MUST DO) and RS aggarwal.
Section B : 25 questions (verbal+logical)
logical questions includes data sufficiency (RS AGGARWAL)(8 to 10 questions)
puzzle test (RS AGGARWAL)(8 to 10 questions)
conclusion or theme detection (2 or 3 questions)
PREVIOUS PAPERS (very important)out of 95 ……47 made it to the next round.
Group Discussion ( Now u will came to know the importance of GD training that was conducted on 29th Aug 2008 at college free of cost)
tips: think carefully & speak what the topic demands….
give others a chance to express their views……
“GD is not all about speaking…a good listener is also a Group participant”
out of 47….32 were selected
Technical Round:
BASICS of every subjects (C,C++,OOP,DATA STRUCTURES,OS).
Round 4: HR Round:
Check your communication skills.
Ask few Questions about you and your personnel life.
Why Capgemini?
What You Like About Capgemini?
Few Questions were asked from Presentation…
like (company goals, hired companies, headoffice, capgemini university etc..etc…)
After four rounds …the result was announced….
and out of 32……25 were given offer letters…
CapGemini Campus recruitment
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, September 05, 2008 | 0 commentsCapGemini Campus recruitment
for BE 2009 Batch :
CapGemini Campus recruitment will be expected in next week.
No campus on 6th Sept.
Prof P S Lokhande
CAPGEMINI Sample Papers
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, September 05, 2008 | 0 comments1.Fresh Grapes contain 90% water by wt. Dried grapes contain 20% water by %age. What will b wt of dried grapes when we begin with 20 kg fresh grapes?
a)2kg b) 2.4kg c) 2.5kg d) none
Answer. C
2.How many 5 digit no. can b formed wit digits 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 which r divisible by 4 and digits not repeated
a)144 b)168 c)192 d) none
Answer. C
3.There is a rectangular Garden whose length and width are 60m X 20m.There is a walkway of uniform width around garden. Area of walkway is 516m^2. Find width of walkway
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4
Answer. C4.If 1= (3/4)(1+ (y/x) ) then
i. x=3y
ii. x=y/3
iii. x=(2/3)y
iv. none
Answer. A
5. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.?
i. 147
ii. 148
iii. 149
iv. 146
Answer. B
6. if x-y + z = 19 , y + z =20 , x-z=3 , find d value of x+4y-5z
a)22 b)38 c)17 d) none
7. Find approx value of 39.987/0.8102+1.987*18.02
a)72 b)56 c)86 d)44
Answer. C8. Asish was given Rs. 158 in denominations of Rs 1 each. He distributes these in diff bags, such that ne sum of money of denomination betn 1 and 158 can be given in bags. The min no. of such bags reqd
a)10 b)17 c)15 d) none Answer. D
9.An employee has to allocate offices to 6 staff members. The offices are no. 1-6. the offices are arranged in a row and they are separated from each other by dividers>hence voices, sounds and cigarette smoke flow easily from one office to another
Miss R needs to use the telephone quite often throughout the day. Mr. M and Mr. B need adjacent offices as they need to consult each other often while working. Miss H is a senior employee and his to be allotted the office no. 5, having the biggest window.
Mr. D requires silence in office next to his. Mr. T, Mr. M and Mr. D are all smokers. Miss H finds tobacco smoke allergic and consecutively the offices next to hers are occupied by non-smokers. Unless specifically stated all the employees maintain an atmosphere of silence during office hrs.
a. The ideal candidate to occupy office farthest from Mr. B will be
i. Miss H
ii. Mr. M
iii. Mr. T
iv. Mr. D
b. The three employees who are smokers should be seated in the offices
i. 1 2 4
ii. 2 3 6
iii. 1 2 3
iv. 1 2 3
c. The ideal office for Mr. M would be
i. 2
ii. 6
iii. 1
iv. 3
d. In the event of what occurrence within a period of one month since the assignment of the offices would a request for a change in office be put forth by one or more employees?
i. Mr D quitting smoking
ii. Mr. T taking over duties formally taken care of by Miss R
iii. The installation of a water cooler in Miss H?s office
iv. Mr. B suffering from anemia
10.Ten coins are distr. Among 4 people P, Q, R, S such that one of them gets a coin, another gets 2 coins,3rd gets 3 coins, and 4th gets 4 coins. It is known that Q gets more coins than P, and S gets fewer coins than R
a. If the no. of coins distr. To Q is twice the no. distr. to P then which one of the following. is necessarily true?
i. R gets even no. of coins
ii. R gets odd no. of coins
iii. S gets even no. of coins
iv. S gets odd no. of coins
b. If R gets at least two more coins than S which one of the following is necessarily true?
i. Q gets at least 2 more coins than S
ii. Q gets more coins than P
iii. P gets more coins than S
iv. P and Q together get at least five coins
c. If Q gets fewer coins than R, then which one of the following is not necessarily true?
i. P and Q together get at least 4 coins
ii. Q and S together get at least 4 coins
iii.R and S together get at least 5 coins
iv.P and R together get at least 5 coins
11.Elle is 3 times older than Zaheer. Zaheer is ? as old as Waheeda. Yogesh is elder than Zaheer.
a. What is sufficient to estimate Elle?s age?
i.Zaheer is 10 yrs old
ii.Yogesh and Waheeda are both older than Zaheer by the same no of yrs.
iii.Both of the above
iv.None of the above
b. Which one of the following statements can be inferred from the info above
i.Yogesh is elder than Waheeda
ii.Elle is older than Waheeda
iii.Elle?s age may be less than that of Waheeda
iv.None of the above
Section B
Direction for Qn 1-8
Ans A using I only
Ans B using II only
Ans C using both I and II
Ans D not solvable
1. Raman and Gaurav Brought eggs from a vendor. How many eggs were bought by each of them
i. Raman bought half as many as Gaurav
ii. The dealer had a stock of 500 eggs at the beginning of day
2. What is the age of Ramprakash?
i. Ramprakash was born when his father was 26 yrs old
ii. Ramprakash?s mothers age is 3yrs less than his father?s
3. How much time is reqd for downloading the software?
i. The Data transfer rate is 6 kbps
ii. The size of the software is 4.5 megabytes
4. Sanjay and Vijay started their journey from Mumbai to Pune. Who reached Pune first?
i. Sanjay overtakes two times Vijay and Vijay overtakes Sanjay two times
ii. Sanjay started first
5. Is the GDP of country X higher than Country Y?
i. GDP?s of X and Y has been increasing at a compounded annual growth rate of 5% and 6% over he past 5 yrs
ii. 5 yrs ago GDP of X was 1.2 times Y
6. A boat can ferry 1500 passengers across a river in 12 hrs. How many round trips does it make during the journey?
i. The boat can carry 400 passengers at a time
ii. During its journey, the boat takes 40 mins time each way and 20 mins waiting time at each end.
7. What are the values of m and n?
i. n is an even integer, m is odd integer and m is greater than n.
ii. The product of m and n is 30
8. How much is the weight of 20 mangoes and 30 oranges?
i. 1 orange weighs twice that of 1 mango
2 mangoes and 3 oranges weigh 2 kg
Direction for Qn 9-12
Five teams participated in Pepsi Cup. Each team played against each other. The top teams played finals. A win fetched 2 pts and a tie 1 point
1) South Africa were in the finals
2) India defeated SA but failed to reach the finals
3) Australia lost only one match in the tournament
4) The match between India and Sri Lanka was a tie
5) The undefeated team in the league matches lost in the finals
6) England was one of the best teams that did not qualify
9. Who were the finalists?
i. SA & India
ii. Aus & SL
iii. SA & SL
iv. none
10. Who won the finals?
i. Aus
ii. SL
iii. SA
iv. Can?t be determined
11. How many matches did India Win?
i. 0
ii. 1
iii. 2
iv. can?t be determined
12. What was the outcome of the India England Match
i. India won
ii. England won
iii. It was a tie
iv. Can?t be determined
All the best meet u in capgemini campus day
Florida Tech Admissions Seminar
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, September 05, 2008 | 1 commentsDear Sir,
Florida Institute of Technology of USA is offering admissions for MS in Aerospace, Aviation, Biotechnology, Civil, Chemical, Computer, Environmental, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering and MBA programs starting in January 2009. The Director of Florida Tech is presenting an Admissions Seminar at 2 pm on 10th September @DBS Center, Raheja Chambers, 213 Nariman Point, Mumbai. In this regard, we cordially invite you to attend the Florida Tech Admissions Seminar and meet with the Director of Graduate Admissions, Mr. Thomas Shea to know more about the high quality Florida Tech Masters and Doctoral programs.
The Florida Tech Admissions Seminar will also help your faculty and students and I would appreciate if they could be informed and also participate in the Seminar program on the 10th September at 2 pm at DBS Center, Raheja Chambers, 213 Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021
Ph: 022-40509200.
I look forward to seeing you and your team of faculty and students at the Florida Tech Seminar.
Thanking you
Sincerely yours
9501, Fountainbleau, #511
Miami, Florida 33132, USA
CapGemini Campus recruitment
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, September 05, 2008 | 0 commentsfor BE 2009 Batch :
CapGemini Campus recruitment will be expected in next week.
No campus on 6th Sept.
Prof P S Lokhande
for ET/ Elex Passout students
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Monday, September 01, 2008 | 0 commentsNippon Instruments (India) Pvt Ltd.: Manufacturers of Process control Instruments and sensors
Vacancy for TRAINEE ENGINEER for the following departments
1) R & D
2) Production
3) Sales nad Marketing
Send u r biodata directly to
301, Alankar Ind Est, Nr Virwani Indl Est. Off Aarey Rd. Goregaon (E) Mumbai -63
ph 28755867,
prof p s lokhande
Should I continue with the placement?
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, August 29, 2008 | 21 commentsTime to think: Should I continue with the placement?
I took the responsibility of placement for the betterment of students, believe me I am not getting single penny for this work. WHEN I FELT THAT OUR PLACEMENT WAS POOR; I witnessed the sad faces and minds of students, Immediately I decided to sacrifice my family time for the placement of students, I decided to boost the placement activity only for the students.
Now I realized that whatever I am devoting for students is not at all respected, you are just doing charity and getting humiliated in return.
Incident on 28th Aug 2008 has changed my mind: Some students want to raise their concern over the fees issue, they brought some students union activist and barged in the Principals cabin the students union leader represented by a Girl ( not from our college) talking arrogantly with me, staff and principal, to my utter surprise our students were enjoying all this and laughing on the jokes of outsider. The image of ideal students was immediately vanished from mind. If the students are behaving like this on a petty issue, then why should I care for them?
Trust me I have not been to movie since last 9 months….!!! Why…? The only reason, I have to attain the calls of HR at evening hours, I have to send the hundreds of mails to companies. What I am doing on Saturday and Sunday…? I get up early in the morning and visit various companies. It’s not easy to bring companies in your campus.
I don’t mind if you want to raise your issue, but there are procedures you can put your grievances through CS (Class Representative, GS (General Secretary of College). At the extreme level you can contact your HOD. There is no need to call outsiders for your issues; henceforth you call them for placement also.
Right now I have decided to complete the placements in my hand, after that I will not waste my time for placement.
Good Luck…!
Prof. P.S. Lokhande
IBM Off Campus
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Thursday, August 28, 2008 | 0 commentsAttached is a format for filling in the list of eligible students for your college who wants participate in the event.
The following are the REQUIRED MANDATORY DOCUMENTS which the students should carry with them
- 2 self photographs (passport sized, color photos with a white background)
- Hard copy of the resume and soft copy in a CD.
- The originals and 1 set of photocopies (Photocopies should include both front and back sides of certificates) of the following Documents.
- Education degree certificate and all year mark sheets for the highest degree attained
- Convocation Certificate/Provisional Certificate
- For 2007 Graduates
offer letter & latest Pay slip of your most recent employer. If you have been employed 6 months or less with the most recent employer, you must also bring the offer letter & Payslip the prior employer.
- Proof of identity. Bring one of the following documents: passport, driving license, voter’s identification card, PAN card, or credit card with photograph.
Please note that all of the above documents are mandatory and applicants will not be allowed to appear for IBM process without them.
Our hiring process on the 30th Aug 08 tentatively will be as follows:
First : Written test at 9.00AM
Second: Group Discussion at 12.00AM
Third: Two levels of Interview starting at 1.30PM
Results: 6.00PM & addressing the selects.
The venue for the event is
Vishwakarma Institute Of Information Technology
Survey No. 2/3/4, Kondhwa (Budruk)
Pune - 411048, Maharashtra (India)
N. Narasimma Prasad
Invenio Info Services
Off-campus interview for the 2007 and 2008 pass outs for IBM in Pune on Saturday 30th of August 2008 at Pune.
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 | 0 commentsPLACEMENT NOTICE
Off-campus interview for the 2007 and 2008 pass outs for IBM in Pune on Saturday 30th of August 2008 at Pune.
Invenio, Chennai conducting an off-campus interview for the 2007 and 2008 pass outs for IBM in Pune on Saturday 30th of August 2008 at Pune.
Here are the brief requirements
Please find the requirement details along with the necessary documents to be carried:
Qualification: BE/ BTech/MCA
Branches: Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics & Communication
Year of Passing: 2007 & 2008
Requirements for 2007 graduates:
6 months ( or below) preferred from Telecom Skills, Websphere Services, Oracle DBA, Tools, Security Analyst, Server Support
Percentage cut off:
65% throughout their academic career
Job Description:
Looking for bright young minds who will facilitate further growth and success of ITD Organisation. The positions will be in System Server Operations can be classified as Data Center skills, Security Services and Telecom Business Operations, and will involve managing all the associated processes. Per'[0sons should be willing to work in shifts and should have good communication skills.
Compensation offered:
Up to 12 month's experience, CTC of 2.75 INR p.a & experience level ranging from 12-18 months CTC of 3.25 INR p.a (CTC means Cost to company)
Type of employment: FTH(Fixed Term Hire)
Business Unit: IBM- ITD(Integrated Technology Delivery)
These campus hires will be hires as FTHs for a period of 9 months - 1 year, and thereafter based on their exhibited performance, will be converted to regular hires.
Location of posting: Pune
Expected joining: Immediate
Job Description:
Looking for bright young minds who will facilitate further growth and success of ITD Organisation. The positions will be in System Server Operations can be classified as Data Center skills, Security Services and Telecom Business Operations, and will involve managing all the associated processes. Persons should be willing to work in shifts and should have good communication skills.
Prof P S Lokhande
Off-campus interview for the 2007 and 2008 pass outs for IBM in Pune on Saturday 30th of August 2008 at Pune.
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, August 27, 2008 | 0 commentsPLACEMENT NOTICE
Off-campus interview for the 2007 and 2008 pass outs for IBM in Pune on Saturday 30th of August 2008 at Pune.
Invenio, Chennai conducting an off-campus interview for the 2007 and 2008 pass outs for IBM in Pune on Saturday 30th of August 2008 at Pune.
Here are the brief requirements
Please find the requirement details along with the necessary documents to be carried:
Qualification: BE/ BTech/MCA
Branches: Computer Science, Information Technology, Electronics & Communication
Year of Passing: 2007 & 2008
Requirements for 2007 graduates:
6 months ( or below) preferred from Telecom Skills, Websphere Services, Oracle DBA, Tools, Security Analyst, Server Support
Percentage cut off:
65% throughout their academic career
Job Description:
Looking for bright young minds who will facilitate further growth and success of ITD Organisation. The positions will be in System Server Operations can be classified as Data Center skills, Security Services and Telecom Business Operations, and will involve managing all the associated processes. Per'[0sons should be willing to work in shifts and should have good communication skills.
Compensation offered:
Up to 12 month's experience, CTC of 2.75 INR p.a & experience level ranging from 12-18 months CTC of 3.25 INR p.a (CTC means Cost to company)
Type of employment: FTH(Fixed Term Hire)
Business Unit: IBM- ITD(Integrated Technology Delivery)
These campus hires will be hires as FTHs for a period of 9 months - 1 year, and thereafter based on their exhibited performance, will be converted to regular hires.
Location of posting: Pune
Expected joining: Immediate
Job Description:
Looking for bright young minds who will facilitate further growth and success of ITD Organisation. The positions will be in System Server Operations can be classified as Data Center skills, Security Services and Telecom Business Operations, and will involve managing all the associated processes. Persons should be willing to work in shifts and should have good communication skills.
Prof P S Lokhande
Training for campus placement and personality development
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Tuesday, August 26, 2008 | 0 commentsTraining for campus placement and personality development
Date : 29th Aug 2008, Time 9:30 onwards , Venue: Seminar hall
For ET Elex Students (TE and BE)
9:30 to 11:30 GD Training
12:00 to 2:00 Aptitude Test
02:30 to 4:30 GD Session
For IT Comp Students (TE and BE)
9:30 to 11:30 GD Session
12:00 to 2:00 GD Training
02:30 to 4:30 Aptitude Test
for 2008 batch ET students only
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Monday, August 25, 2008 | 0 commentsNew date for N R Radio and Services pvt ltd campus : 28th Aug 2008,time: 9:00 am, seminar hall,
For 2008 Batch ET students only.
Prof P S Lokhande
New goup for TE students
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Saturday, August 23, 2008 | 0 commentsNew goup for TE students (2010 batch )
How to join my sms group?
sms JOIN BE_2010_BATCH to 567678
Prof P S Lokhande
Helpful Sites for Fresher:
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | 0 comments
Helpful Sites for Fresher:
1. www.
6. www.
Skill gap analysis for TE and BE students
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | 5 commentsPre-Placement and Skill Gap Analysis Assessment
Training and Placement Cell is keen to organize a Pre-placement and Skill gap analysis assessment to the students of our college. The idea of skills gap analysis - measuring the difference between an individual's actual capabilities and the required capabilities of their desired job role
This would help the student understand what is expected from them, by the industry. · The assessment report will convey the students about their weakness and strengths and areas that need to be improved upon. · From the assessment report of all the students, we advice the faculty of college about the subjects and areas which the students are facing more difficulties.
What is the test about?
The assessment is carried out in the form of Multiple Choice Questions and
the duration will be for three hours. The test consists of three parts.
· Employability- Quotient Assessment (1hr)
· Basic Engineering Knowledge (1hr)
· Professional- Quotient Assessment (1hr)
Date 22 Aug 2008
Time 12:00 noon
Place Seminar hall
Prf. P S Lokhande
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | 0 commentsIMPORTANT NOTICE FOR 2009 & 2010 BATCH STUDENTS,
I am creating online placement portal for that I need students database in the given format,this format has been kept in the IT, CAD and computer labs.
For IT students IT LAB-2,
Comp-Comp lab5,
ET students comp Lab 4,
Elex -CAD Lab,
IT lab-3 for final yr IT.
IT lab2 for 3rd Yr IT students.
I expect u will finish this within one day. Please treat this urgent.
Once the database is filled it won't possible to add names later. so act immediatly.
You are required to maintain the discipline in the computer labs while entering the data.
Prof. P S Lokhande
For 2008 Batch Passout students (Comp/IT)
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, August 15, 2008 | 0 comments2008 Batch Passout students (Comp/IT)
Belgian company in Bangalore need students having 1st class in B.E (aggregate) apart from having done a final year project in .net?
Having knowledge of PowerBuilder would be an added advantage, though not mandatory.
If there are any students please mail their CVs to me at
NR Serv Campus postponed
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Monday, August 11, 2008 | 1 comments2008 batch ET students
scheduled NRSERVE gr campus (13th and 14th Aug 2008)has been postponed by the company HR. till first week of september.
Prof P S Lokhande
2008 Graduate Trainee Engineers
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, August 08, 2008 | 0 commentsDear Students send u r resume directly to the following email address. Email
Details of the company is as follows.
Introduction About us : We are the consulting company doing the recruitment work for a
premier organisation with equity holdings by Goldman Sachs,Oak Tree
and Future Group.
It is a next generation networking and IT services company that will be
engaged in providing IT infrastructure and internet application services to
the small enterprises and Government institutions besides providing consulting
and IT outsourcing services to telecom companies.
Project Brief: The company is setting up a Multi-operator services framework
comprising Next generation internet applications and IT services to SMBs
and government bodies such as schools, colleges, hospitals etc in Mumbai
through IT System Integrator channel partners.
Our client company has the following requirements -
Position: Graduate Trainee Engineers
Qualification: BE (Comp Sc/IT ) or MCA with A grade / 70 % or above
Experience: 0 -1 year
Location: Mumbai Region
Salary: Commensurate with Industry Standards.
Preferred: MCSA , CCNA , Oracle DBA , Sun certifications , DOT NET , SQL
server Certifications.
Selection Process: Identification(thru Campus interaction),followed by
Aptitude Test and Interview.
We look forward to the resumes of those students who would qualify based on
the above parameters. Pls revert at the earliest.
Thank you
Geeta Menon
(On behalf of the Client Organisation)
M ob 99201 38081
for 2008 batch ET, Elex students
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Sunday, August 03, 2008 | 0 commentsPlacement for ET/Elex 2008 batch
Those who all are interested to apply
1) If u have applied earlier to any company through me and forwared u r resume then Just Send u r email address through SMS ..... on my mobile 9224174473.
2) otherwise send u r resume with a subject line BE 2008-ET/ELEX-Sonodyne to
The Placement Officer
Sub: Vacancies for B.E. Degree Holders ( Electronics)
Respected Sir,
We are an export-oriented company located at SEEPZ, Andheri (East) manufacturing Professional Electronic Public Address Equipment such as Audio Amplifiers & Laboratory Power Supplies.
Our Manufacturing facilities include Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Dept, Sophisticated Imported "Test Equipment & Wave Soldering Machine". We are poised for a major leap in production quantities & wish to recruit skilled manpower from reputed Engineering colleges like yours for achieving the same.
Presently we have vacancies for B.E./ B.Tech Degree holders in field of Electronics / E&TC / Instrumentation.
We request you to kindly forward us Resumes of interested candidates who have cleared their Degree exams this year from your College.
We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial association between our two organizations.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
For Sonodyne International Pvt. Ltd.,
A. Ghose
Sr. Vice President - Exports
For 2008 batch
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Sunday, August 03, 2008 | 0 commentsCampus recruitment for 2008 batch BE-IT/Comps students
Recruitment date will be notified through SMS, Blog posting.
Till this date we haven't finalised any date. Finalization of date is totaly in hand of company.
Details of Compnay
We, Mastiff Tech Pvt Ltd would like to introduce ourselves as a 'Consumer
Internet Product Development Company'. (Navi Mumbai based leading
"Outsourced Product Development" firm in Consumer Internet Market)
We propose to conduct Campus Recruitment, hire Engineering Students as
Software Engineer (especially IT, Computer Science stream) from your
esteemed organisation.
Please find our company profile and the job description (Software Engineer)
below for your referral.
Company profile:
* Mastiff Tech is a Navi Mumbai based leading "Outsourced Product
Development" firm in Consumer Internet Market.
* Mastiff Tech has emerged as a reckoning force in software services
domain, a fastest growing company in consumer Internet Market.
* Company is focusing into Consumer Internet product and Web 2.0
space, with major focus into Online Media, Social networking, Travel and
eRetail domain.
* Mastiff's clients include top Internet product companies in India,
North America and Europe.
* Mastiff Tech's prime focus is to design and deliver state-of-the-art
IT services and solutions to our clients.
* We specialize in building high-end robust solutions based on
cutting-edge technologies.
* Mastiff Tech has become the ideal platform for talented people to
come together.
We want passion for our business, individuals who can interpret and execute
our mission, who want to build a career, not just take a temporary job.
Please visit our Website for information:
Job Description:
Position: Software Engineer
Educational Qualification: B.E/ B.Tech
Technical Qualification: (any one)
i) Java, J2EE (Struts, Hibernate, EJB would be plus)
ii) .Net, ASP.Net 2.0
iii) ROR
v) Database concepts are a must
Soft Skills: Excellent communication skills (Preferred)
Job Description:
* Selected Candidates will be working with Mastiff as a Software
Engineer for product development.
* Their roles and responsibility includes developing key
components/modules in technology selected for.
* Also participating in design and testing phase of the SDLC
Remuneration: Best in the Industry
We look forward to hear from you soon.
Thanks & Regards
Gladys Sundhalkar
Human Resource Department
Pre Placement Talk on Monday 28th July
Posted by Dr. P.S. Lokhande | Friday, July 25, 2008 | 1 commentsZeus Learning
Pre Placement Talk on Monday 28th July at 1:30 ,pm PVPPCOE seminar hall.
Placement on 10th Aug at Thakur College of Engineering and Technology Kandivali (E)
Details about the company/job/package
Zeus Learning is an e-learning company based in Mumbai. We design and create content and technology solutions. Our services and products require content development, technical writing, graphic design, multimedia development, software design and programming.
We would like to invite students from your institution, to take a test, for the posts of-
· Web Developer - aptitude and technical test
· CAT Author - aptitude test
at Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali (E) on Sunday, August 10th 2008, at 9:30 am.
· Web Developer - aptitude and technical test
· CAT Author - aptitude test
at Thakur College of Engineering and Technology, Kandivali (E) on Sunday, August 10th 2008, at 9:30 am.
Web Developer-
Candidates should have good analytical and reference skills, and should be familiar with object-oriented programming concepts. We have no academic score cut-offs. Candidates need to clear an aptitude test, two technical tests, and an interview.
We offer graduates a gross compensation package of 3.3 lakh p.a. We have a two–year bond. We provide training to suitable candidates. The expected date of joining for selected candidates is Wednesday, 1st July 2009.
The work involves designing, development, and maintenance of web-based software. We work with U.S.-based educational companies and publishing houses. Our clients include— Discovery Education, Texas Instruments, Carnegie Learning, Pearson Prentice Hall, Readers Digest, Riverdeep Houghton Mifflin, American Institute for Research, Explore Learning.
CAT Author-
Our core product is CATfunda, a complete online preparatory course for CAT with a personalised approach and is, available at
Candidates will be a part of our content development team that comprises IIT/IIM graduates, engineers, and and need to have a passion for intellectual and academic work.a range of people who love to discuss and debate about all things intellectual.
Candidates will be chosen for assigned work in either the languageverbal, quantitative or logic and data interpretive abilities. area or the mathematical area. As part of a technology-savvy company, you will be expected to learn and work with technology-driven solutions for creating and using content.
Key responsibility areas for the content team:
· Core Content: Theory material, and Tests question-framing, test-making and validation.
· Website Content: Managing the features on the websiteQuestion of the Day, Articles, Discussion Forums, Blogs, etc.
· Instructional design: Related to content creation and content delivery
We offer graduates a gross compensation package of 3.3 lakh p.a. We have a one–year bond. The expected date of joining for the selected candidates is Wednesday, 1st July 2009.
We request you to put up the attached notice and brochure to inform the students of your institute.
Students who will appear for the tests need to register at-
The last date for students to register is 3rd of August, 2008.
Students will have to carry a printout of the Hall-Ticket mailed to them after they successfully register. We will not allow anyone to enter the Examination-Center without a printed Hall-Ticket.
Key responsibility areas for the content team:
· Core Content: Theory material, and Tests question-framing, test-making and validation.
· Website Content: Managing the features on the websiteQuestion of the Day, Articles, Discussion Forums, Blogs, etc.
· Instructional design: Related to content creation and content delivery
We offer graduates a gross compensation package of 3.3 lakh p.a. We have a one–year bond. The expected date of joining for the selected candidates is Wednesday, 1st July 2009.
We request you to put up the attached notice and brochure to inform the students of your institute.
Students who will appear for the tests need to register at-
The last date for students to register is 3rd of August, 2008.
Students will have to carry a printout of the Hall-Ticket mailed to them after they successfully register. We will not allow anyone to enter the Examination-Center without a printed Hall-Ticket.
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